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The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme in York

Updated: Jun 1

The Trustees are pleased to report a further grant award to The Prince’s Trust.   The grant will continue to help fund a monthly Enterprise Programme in York.

 The youth unemployment rate in York still stands at 11.4%. Even though the area of York has one of the  lowest levels of youth unemployment in the country, the figure has almost tripled since 2004 when it’s youth unemployment rate was 4.2%.

Rates of depression and anxiety among the young have increased by 70% in the last 30 years. Among 15- 16 year olds specifically, they have doubled our annual youth index found that the overall wellbeing of young people is lower now than at any point since it launched eight years ago. Over a quarter of young people report feeling a lack of control over their lives, over a third feel they will have a ‘worse standard of living than their parents’ and 42% feel that ‘traditional goals’ such as owning a home or getting a steady job are’ unrealistic’

The Trust is actively working with young people in York to offer them opportunities they might not be able to access. Many young people are not able to enter the job market or lack the support to start their own businesses and with support such as that provided by The Whitwam Family Charitable Foundation, they hope to continue to offer young people chances to change their lives in 2018.


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