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Macmillan Yorkshire Appeal

Updated: Jun 1, 2024

The Trustees are pleased to report a grant award to The Macmillan Yorkshire appeal.

Last year (2020), Macmillan lost over £1 million in income across Yorkshire. The grant will go towards the cost of covering emergency response and vital services for the 179,000 people currently living with cancer in the region.

Grant funds can support people living with cancer in Yorkshire and help the NHS to diagnose people early and treat them as quickly as possible. They will do this by:

  1. investing in critical new Macmillan professionals, like nurses and support workers

  2. providing training and resources to existing professionals so they can give people with cancer the support they need, every step of the way

  3. providing Macmillan Grants to help the most financially vulnerable patients cover essential costs

  4. helping people avoid financial difficulties by providing expert advice around benefits, finances and work through the Macmillan Support Line.


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